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Maps prepared by Palestinian Orient house personnel showing the Israeli offers at the Camp David 2 summit. The maps show only portions of the West Bank and details of the Jerusalem offer.
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A map of a portion of the West Bank as it would be divided between Palestine and Israel under the Israeli Camp David 2 proposals. The map was prepared by Palestinian sources. The significance of the different shadings of orange in areas under Palestinian control is not explained. | A detailed map of Jerusalem as it would be divided between Palestine and Israel under the Israeli Camp David 2 proposals. The map was prepared by Palestinian sources. The significance of the different shadings of yellow in areas under Palestinian control is not explained. The areas to be under Palestinian control within Jerusalem seem to be those surrounded by the thick orange line, as well as the pale yellow and grey areas outside Jerusalem. It is not clear what arrangements there would be for travel between isolated areas. |
Map showing the Israeli offer made in May, 2000, prior to the Camp David 2 Summit.
Map showing the current division of land
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