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Poems That Became a Reality


Eleven Poems

By Ada Aharoni


Inspired from Letters of Israeli Soldiers

While in Lebanon


Copyright: Ada Aharoni - Haifa, May 2001.



Not Returning Home I'm

I'm so sorry, my love,

I'm not returning home

for I can't return


I love you so,

want to be with you so,

but somewhere there -

among Lebanon's majestic cedars

so far from you my love -

I was hit by a murderous bullet

in the very center of

the fallow of my heart

where I first fell for you -

and fell forever.

I so want to be with you my love,

so want to hug you

my love, my life -

but cannot return home.

They have uselessly, pitifully,

spilled my young life, my blood,

under Lebanon's blue sky,

and now I cannot,

just cannot

return home.


The Hell With War


They announced a cease - fire

But we continued to bomb

The Beyrut Airport

And the streets and the houses,

What is it with us?


I loathe killing, I hate destroying,

Horrible, pitiful war!

Why should we allow them

To force us to be here?

And what hence?

And when will it end?

The Hell with War!






Mr. Prime Minister When Will The Nighmare End?


Mr. Prime Minister, when will the nightmare end?

What absolute misery -

I want to go home!

Instead of home's warmth -

anguished cold in my frozen bones

while watching the dreadful shock of a man

who has just discovered his dead wife's body

under his wrecked home ...


We came back from the nightmare

with horror in our hearts and imploring in our eyes -

Mr. Prime Minister, we were born

for creation, for joy and life - not for destruction!

Please, Mr. Prime Minister, end this nightmare that really kills -

and not only in nightmares.





Safety Is A Siamese Twin


For our safety

we will break their teeth,

for our safety

we will throw tons of bombs

on their heads and on their safety,

on their orchards

and on their vines,

on their houses and on their pride -

all this only for our safety.


But where is our safety?

And what about their safety?

In truth, our safety and their safety

Are Siamese Twins -

In reality, you can't hit one

without the other.










The Lie That Exploded


That night that big lie exploded

in my heart and in my mind

shattering all my limbs and all my values.


The big lie that violence can stop conflicts

exploded in the very depth of my heart together with the bombs -

And that explosive night my dreams exploded

With the lie.










When We Will Go Back Home


When we will go back home

They will not trick us anymore,

When we will return home

We will show them

What peace is


When we will go back home

We will hug our joyful wives and children,

And we will try to forget the sadness

In the eyes of their wives and children,

We will try, we will try very hard -

But I know we will never







Bach In Beyrut


A moment of harmony in Beyrut -

We suddenly heard from one of the houses

Bach music beautifully played -

The whole company stopped

To hear the music.


The pianist played beautifully

And the whole company stopped and

listened to the exquisite harmony.

The bombs did not succeed to stop us -

but a sixteen year old girl

Playing Bach music -

Stopped us!









Amputated Hand


A young boy runs to me

and asks for a sweet,

he spreads his amputated arm

without a hand -

"Who did that to you?"

I ask aghast,

"Entum!" - "You!"

he answers timidly -

his apologetic bashfulness strangles

my shocked shame.







Fear From A Mosquito


We are forced to be policemen

of a population that hates us -

conflicts between Moslems, Christians and Druze,

thorny, entangled conflicts among them -

yet they all agree on one thing -

they all hate us!


We have entered a muddy morass

in which we are drowning -

Oh God! What a mess!

And in the end

we only found a mosquito -

but its bite kills,

and we shouldn't be here!

Oh God! What a mess,

Four Mothers, please save us!



A Mother's Letter


You will not build a nest

dear Gili,

every night you return to me,

and your silent cries

silence my heart,

"Mother, mother, help me!"

And I cannot


I can only caress the rugged stone

over your bones,

as I used to caress your soft curls

before sleeping ...





Leaving Lebanon In Peace


Can be sung to the music of "Let My People Go!"


When soldier sons were in Lebanon Land,

Let the soldiers go!

They suffered so much they could not stand,

Let the Soldiers go!

Go up Mothers, liberate your soldier sons,

Biblical Revka, Sarah, Leah, Rachel -

Let our sons go!


The soldiers under the cedar trees

Heard the four mothers in joy -

Leave Lebanon, Leave Lebanon

Leave Lebanon in Peace,

They sang and laughed in joy -

Go home soldiers,

Go home to Israel Land

And leave, and leave


Leave Lebanon in Peace!


Copyright: Ada Aharoni - Haifa, 2001


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A Bridge of Peace

Also called "To my sister, daughter of Ishmael" in Hebrew and Arabic, this poem speaks for itself.

Ada Aharoni's Web site is about using culture for dialog and features links to English versions of her Peace and Love poetry.

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